Friday, January 23, 2009

Vital scenes last Harry Potter will

Jessica, 26, and Justin, 27, have recently been rumored to be engaged. Vital scenes in the last Harry Potter will be squeezed around the university holidays of co-star Emma Watson. Personalized messages from the wrestling icons will be delivered directly to fans in their living-rooms through LiveAutographs. He says he keeps being quizzed about his flat hair-style in the film and cant understand why. And, by the way, we call it a surprise hit because we didnt even know when it was on, which is Monday nights at 9, and that explains it; its after Monday Night Football, which is also a surprise hit in the bad way - its dropped so fully in quality and importance that we only still watch it out of knee-jerk habit and because were afraid that the fellas would find out and we wouldnt be allowed to hang out and watch the game and puff on see-gars and drink. Her head has been in another place for quite some time, says a source who is friendly with the singer.

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